Orange is the New Black is an American Comedy-drama web-based TV series created by Jenji Kohan. First released on July 11, 2013, it has gone on to become the most viewed TV show on the online streaming platform Netflix. Adapted from Piper Kerman’s Memior, of the same title 5 seasons of the series has been released with 6th and 7th seasons already signed on. Starring an assemblage of variety of female casts; Taylor Schilling (Piper Chapman), Laura Prepon (Alex Vause), Micheal Harney (Sam Healy), Michelle Hurst (Miss Claudette Pelage), Uzo Aduba (Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren) and host of other casts. Season 2, 3, 4, and 5 were released on June 6, 2014, June 11, 2015, June 17, 2016, and June 9, 2017 respectively.