This describes how to use a 3rd party app on Android to connect to PandaPow’s OpenVPN servers.

This requires a device with Android 4.0 or later.


Step 1: Install the app: OpenVPN for Android

Get OpenVPN for Android from Google play. If you already have it, please make sure it is up to date.


Step 2: Download Configuration

Click one of the below to download a configuration.

San Jose


More coming soon…


Step 3: Importing VPN profile(s)

  1. Open OpenVPN for Android and tap “VPN profiles”
  2. Tap the folder symbol in the top right corner, to import from a file.
  3. Browse to your download location (normally /sdcard/Download/) and locate the configuration file. The file will have the name of the link above and end in .ovpn. So for example: San Jose.ovpn.
  4. Tap the save icon. The imported file will now appear in the list of VPN Profiles. The name will be the name of the downloaded file, minus the .ovpn. Note, if you are importing a file with the same name as an existing profile, you might want to remove or rename the old profile first.


Step 3: Enter your username and password

  1. Open OpenVPN for Android and tap “VPN profiles”
  2. Locate the newly imported profile in the list, and tap the icon to the right to edit.
  3. Tap Basic then enter your Username and Password in the appropriate fields.
  4. Tap back, and you are now ready to connect.



Once you’ve configured a VPN you can add a shortcut to connect it. Just go to your app drawer and select Widgets. You’ll find one named OpenVPN Shortcut. If you place it on your home screen, you will be asked to select which configuration to connect.


Trouble shooting

If for some reason you can’t connect, please send us the following info so that we can trouble shoot as efficiently as possible.

  • The log messages. Normally the log messages appear when you connect, otherwise you can show it by tapping the OpenVPN item in your status messages. You’ll find the option to send it in the menu.
  • The generated config. You can get it by editing the config, then tap Generated Config, then tap the Send icon top right to send it.
  • Your external IP address. Get it by visiting this link: Get IP Address